Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is How a Democratic Country Evolves Into a Police State

After reading this article by Glen Greenwald describing how affording "due process" to terrorism suspects is now seen, on a bi-partisan basis, as "leftist extremism," ask yourself, how likely is it that the exercise of all these new executive powers is going to remain confined to "terrorism suspects?"

Aren't there other "dangerous people" out there. What about people who disseminate dangerous ideas? How long will it take for these powers to migrate to different problems - to different people who scare "us."

This trend in public opinion is truly alarming. We're dong exactly what terrorism is meant to get us to do - destroy ourselves and our country. The tragic irony of all this is that so called conservatives - folks who have long lectured everyone about the tyrannical potential of cnetralized unchecked government power - are cheering all of this on.

Joe H.

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