This was really sad because, if I were Rush and had said all of the things he's said, I'm sure I would feel exactly this way.
But I'm certain that he doesn't feel this way. I'm certain that he is very proud of himself.
Joe H.
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
10 years ago
"But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."
I don't consider Ruch Limbaugh my enemy or wish him dead. There is a great irony in the Onion's satire. The article is impressive because that's precisely how someone like Rush Limbaugh should feel. It expresses what we think would be the result of his kind of personality. And yet, he probably feels pretty good about what he does.
It is not hateful to point out a man's soulessness - and by extension, the soulessness of people who think like him. That's what the Onion piece did. That's why I tried to give it further distribution. Yes, it is a harsh indictment but I seem to recall something about "reaping what you sow."
It does not matter whether or not you consider him an enemy. He very likely considers you one for being a liberal. Jesus says you must love him, pray for him, bless him and do good to him. Don't make excuses or justify your attitude. Do what is right before God.
But that doesn't preclude my pointing out his soulessness, does it? Do I need to make excuses for doing that?
By the way, how do you know what my attitude is? To be honest with you, it appears (to me) to be sadness? Do I need to justify that? Do you assume that I, or the editors at the Onion, hate Rush Limbaugh, because we criticize him? He should be criticized. Satire is a particularly effective way of criticizing him. Does that make us haters?
Yes, I am critizing the man - and also the people who support him. But I am prepared to be judged by the same criteria. You seem to be attempting to use my faith to disuade me from this criticism - suggesting that you know my motives, and they are bad. But you don't know my motives - you simply assume they are bad.
Let me ask you something - which shouldn't be difficult to answer, given that you are writing anonymously - are you denying Rush Limbaugh's soulessness? Do you think the Onion's criticism was improper or excessive?
Joe H.
You are in error. I am not assuming I know your motives nor am I saying that you are a hater. What I am saying is this -
1. You identify yourself as a person of faith who attends a Christian church.
2. The central, most important tenant of the Christian faith is love for God and love of neighbor.
3. Limbaugh is your neighbor, as Jesus would define neighbor.
4. The question for you to answer: what is motivating your behavior toward him? Is it love? Are you acting toward him as Jesus would want you to? Or are you motivated by something else: anger, resentment, hate, fear, or bitterness? Besides God, only you can answer that question - if you are willing to be honest with yourself about your motives.
Jesus was critical of and confronted people around him, primarily religious people. I see you try to do the same, but are your methods and your motives for doing so appropriate for a person of faith? Are your methods and motives in line with what Jesus expects from you?
As far as Limbaugh goes, I don't listen to him because I don't value or agree with what he has to say. He is very successful, at least financially, in what he does. I wonder how much of what he says he actually believes or is for shock value or entertainment. But I really don't know.
Do I believe he is soulless? No, I do not. I believe every human being has a soul, no matter what their behavior may be. The condition of a person's soul is a different issue. But, here again, only God knows the condition of Limaugh's soul.
In my opinion, you have crossed the line from criticizing someone's behavior to actually judging them. Is this not something Jesus warned about? Is this not what the Pharisees were confronted about? Only God knows what is in Limbaugh's heart & soul - we dare not judge him and assume the place of God.
As to the condition of his soul, I am not aware of him ever identifying himself as a person of faith. He has said hateful, divisive and volatile things. I would not rely on him as a guide for moral or ethical behavior, and I would have a difficult time respecting him as an honorable person. Having said all this, I would never presume to judge the condition of his soul. I believe Jesus would have Christians respond to him with love, with doing good, and praying for him.
This does not seem like much, but that is what Jesus commands.
Any response to my reply to your questions?
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