Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Horrors Are They Hiding? UPDATE Below

This doesn't make much sense to me. Obama appears to be exposing our torture program to the light of public scrutiny. But he then threatens to withhold terrorism information from the British if their court reveals the details of our involvement in the torture of one of their citizens?

What could they be hiding? What could be worse then slicing the man's penis? Could some other country be involved? The British Supreme Court doesn't seem to think any vital intelligence is at stake. So why the threat to cut off intelligence? Why the attempt to intimidate and/or scare the British judiciary (which is independent and can't be controlled directly).

I'm going to let this speak for itself. I'll just add that Obama has apparently lost his soul.

Bush has the last laugh. He takes Obama down with him. His corruption was so thorough it created realities that force Obama to act lawlessly.

That doesn't excuse Obama, however.



Wow! This legal brief is unbelievable. It reads like a Mob warning. "Pretty little intelligence operation you got there - be a shame if something should happen to it."

You can begin reading at page 6, starting with the paragraph that begins "It has come to the Attention of the United States Government." Its pretty short.

After reading this, there's no doubt in my mind that the Obama administration is trying to intimidate the independent British judiciary. The Obama administration (not the Bush administration)!

What kind of country am I living in?

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