It turns out that national security must sometimes yield to the rule of law. Some rules truly are more important than national security. There are lines that you just don't cross.
I wholeheartedly agree with Sullivan's take on the Jon Stewart's piece. It has the added virtue of being funny.
And what to make of Obama? The right worshipped Bush for a long time and he led them off a clift. The result is that many on the Right have gone stark raving mad!
I'm beginning to think Obama was a con man. Either that or a political coward who is being corrupted by his "handlers." I hope I'm wrong, but I also hope his worshipers keep their wits about them and their eyes wide open.
Joe H.
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
10 years ago
You should check out this clip as well - one of Obama's worshippers or handlers on her attempt to keep the moral highground:
Yes, precisely!
The Dems really aren't too bright, by the way. They should know that it doesn't matter to most of us whether Nancy Pelosi was briefed on the program. That would make her culpable (though far less culpable than those who authorized and/or carried it out).
And is there a better example of a corrupt mainstreem media than the fact that Pelosi vs. the CIA is the main story, rather than the mounting evidence that Dick Cheney ordered waterboarding to extract false information regarding Iraq's ties to al queda?
My God! Where the hell are we?
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