Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pants on Fire! - Redux. UPDATE

Talk about an unrelenting liar!

I just watched an ad-clip in which Mitt Romney accused President Obama of “raiding” the “Medicare Trust Fund” to the tune of $716 Billion, and then using the money to fund “Obama Care.”  Even a cursory review of the facts shows that this claim is utterly preposterous!  Consider what the Affordable Healthcare Act accomplishes:

1.         It closes the infamous “donut-hole” under Medicare Part D - the prescription drug coverage plan.  Seniors will no longer face out-of pocket expenditures for prescriptions above a certain level of spending;

2.         It allows seniors regular preventative check-up visits to their doctors without any co-payments; and

3.         It extends the solvency of Medicare eight (8) years (according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office).

Even more amazing – it accomplishes these improvements without cutting medical benefits in any way.

Imagine that!  The President steals huge sums of money from Medicare and, in the course of doing so, lowers it’s out of pocket costs, improves its benefits package, and extends its solvency.

That’s quite a feat!  I can’t figure out how someone could rob me of a huge sum of money and extend my solvency.  I sure as hell can’t figure out how you can rob me and thereby make me better off.

I understand how partisans can believe this – partisans can make themselves believe anything if it benefits their side. But does anyone really think Mitt Romney, with all his famed business acumen, is stupid enough to believe this?

No way.  He’s just a shameless liar.

Joe Huster

UPDATE:  The $716 Billion that Obama allegedly "stole" from Medicare were actually reductions in the rate of reimbursements to Medicare providers over the next ten (10) years.  These reductions were agreed to as part of the larger reform in which additional patients would be insured and hospitals and other providers would collect from their insurance, and thus recoup the losses due to the reduced Medicare compensation.  In any event, reducing payments to Medicare providers sounds like keeping additional money IN Medicare, not taking money OUT of Medicare.  What Mitt said was a pretty shameless lie!

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