Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mitt Knows How the Economy Works

Mitt Romney knows how the economy works.    Damn straight he does!   That's what is so frightening about him.

Joe Huster


Alan Bahr said...

Hi, Joe:

You probably recall that I'm Mormon (at least technically) but what you probably don't know is that my first job was with Bain, where my first assignments were with Bain's capital company. I learned a lot at the time. For example, I learned how you can purchase a company with borrowed money, move its manufacturing offshore, layoff its workers, raid its pension assets and break it up and sell it piecemeal. It makes a ton of money for Bain, but it's shitty for the country. Insurance companies that invest in the bonds that subsequently default are forced to raise premiums. Laid off workers apply for unemployment benefits to the detriment of taxpayers. The nation loses its ability to manufacture. All told, the economic externalities are enormous and represent a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich.

Put the economy in the hands of a man who thinks that's good business and we'll continue to see a widening of the economic gulf that will lead to more political unrest and eventual revolution.

I'm Mormon and a former "Bain-ee" and I will never vote for Romney.


Joe Huster said...

Good to hear from you Alan. And thanks for confirming my point is so personal a way.

Joe H