Sunday, March 1, 2009

Money Gurus?

This is a good article calling into question the credibility of the cable news talking head dispensers of financial advice. Its a confessional of sorts. Highly worth reading.

Joe H.

1 comment:

Alan Bahr said...

Hey, Joe, I will tell you that one of the things bankers rely on is the inability of regulators and auditors to understand their business. I have never met an auditor who could, for example, price a swap or option. Given that, how can they determine the level of risk in the transaction? They can't. That's very frightening. And the journalists who cover financial news are jokes. I heard one on NPR, who was described a an expert, try to explain what a "haircut" was and his answer wasn't anywhere near the ballpark. He had no idea and he's trying to explain the concept to other people.

Thank you for pointing this out.
