This line of argument regarding the unintended consequences of portraying terrorists as "warriors" seems eminently sensible to me. Am I just hopelessly opposed to everything, to every expressed view, that modern conservative leaders offer - or are they really as misguided as they seem?
To be honest, I don't think they are misguided. I think they are nihilists who will say (and possibly do) almost anything to regain power.
Want to convince me otherwise - explain how Paul Waldman's argument is wrong.
Joe H.
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
10 years ago
I honestly think that any man, whether he is Conservative or Liberal, Socialist or Fascist, will do anything to regain power when it os within their grasp.
I don't agree Justin. I would not intentionally scare people with lies to regain political power. Neither would you.
Most people wouldn't.
Hyping a threat (and thereby increasing that threat)in the hope of scaring people into giving you their political support is immoral. There's no excuse.
But you have never had that kind of power or have you? It is easy to say we would never abuse political power if we never have been in a positon to first wield it, to first experience it's benefits, rewards and allure. Maybe you have, but most of us have not and thus most of us would "not intentionally scare people with lies to regain" something we have never had in the first place.
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