I wouldn't go so far as to say "down with the people," but this article by Jacob Weisburg accurately identifies one of the core problems of American democracy - us!
The real danger is not that we are too stupid to govern ourselves (although we may be too ignorant). The real danger is that we are becoming collectively delusionial.
Joe H.
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
10 years ago
The New York Times magazine features a story on the efforts to spread the Gospel of the American City on a Hill exceptionalism:
"How Christian Were the Founders" Even if the Founders mouthed the expected pieties of their day, the established Churches (Congregational in New England and Anglican in the South) certainly had differences in their outlook about the new world and whether Church and State could or should be separated. That the Founders were not adverse to religiousity's influence and presence doesn't mean they were ALL trying to create a strictly Christian republic or that the Bible was the underpinning for the law and structure of the government. . .
Thanks for the tip - I'm sure it will be interesting.
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