Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Smart Kid

Here's the conversation I just had with my son Jon.

Me: You can't reneg on your agreement.

Jon: Sure I can.

Me: You can't reneg and be a man of honor.

Jon: Who cares about being a man of honor?

Me: You should. Its the most important thing.

Jon: Mr. Hom [Jon's teacher] says the most important thing is to be a gentleman.

Me: Well, Mr. Hom is wrong.

Jon: No he's not.

Me: Yes he is. And how about I punch Mr. Hom's lights out?

Jon: Dad, I really don't think you could.

Me: I could if I did a sneak attack.

Jon: Sneak attack! What kind of man of honor is that?

Check and Mate!

Joe H.


Mark Westergreen said...

It is great that even with all the smarts you have acquired over all the years of your adult life, you remain and maintain very much the same character you had when I got to know you (entertaining the possibilty of resorting to violence to resolve an argument, and the old sneak attack tactic). I guess that could be evidence in favor of Schopenhauer´s claim that humans are born with an esstential character and that they maintain it through out their lives. Mark Westergreen from Berlin Germany. I am jealous that you are back in Hawaii. I am planning on retiring there as soon as is feasibly possible. I love your blog and your clear thinking.

Joe Huster said...

Great to hear from you Mark. Look me up when you get over here.

I'd love to catch up on the last 25years.

Joe H.