Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Utter Disappointment with Barack Obama - Distilled to Perfection

I dare anyone to watch this clip and tell me with a straight face that Barack Obama is not a bald faced liar. Don't forget that.

Joe H.

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Anonymous said...

Do you think Obama was lying when he was campaigning or did he change his mind, whatever the reasons, once he got into office?

It is somewhat ironic that Bush was at least upfront with what he was doing, even if wrong.

Joe Huster said...

Two things:

I don't think you make statements like Obama made during the campaign and then change your mind. These were unequivocal statements, made repeatedly. Other than rampant criminality that he felt he needed to conceal, I can't conceive of anything he could have discovered that could have legitimately changed his mind.

Second, Bush was only up front about his policies and practices once they were discovered.

Joe H.