Friday, December 31, 2010

Beating a Dead Tortured Horse

I know, I'm probably beating a dead horse – I love that metaphor, by the way. It so perfectly captures the idea of acting futilely. At the very least, I'm beating a thoroughly tortured hourse. Nonetheless, it is important that we face how utterly corrupted our elites have become regarding the rule of law – and the mental gymnastics they must perform to ignore obvious unpunished criminality.

Again, Andrew Sullivan writes from publicly available sources. His conclusions are unassailable. Many of our military and past political leaders are war criminals - and we (as a citzenry) refuse to hold them accountable.

Sullivan's money quote:

“The US in 1948 prosecuted German soldiers for using hypothermia techniques, and sentenced its practitioners to death. One wonders: why, if the Geneva Conventions mean anything, is Stanley McChrystal, who bears legal and command authority for everything committed under his command, not in jail? And why are not Bush and Cheney on trial at the Hague? And why does Obama hold the Geneva Conventions in such contempt that he too insists on violating their clear and pressing legal obligation to investigate and prosecute all such war criminals, whoever they are?

[Obama] took an oath to enforce the laws of the land. He is violating that oath, thereby subverting both the Constitution and the rule of law.”

All of this is exactly right. If we refuse to face this, we have no honor - which is probably the least of our problems.

Joe H.

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