This must be the most embarrassing thing to come out in a long,long time. A republican fundraising power point presentation mocking their donors, advocating the use of fear and manipulation . . . Holy shit Batman!
Serves them right! Anyone not strongly biased towards the current Republican Party can see clear as day that their electoral/fund raising strategy is "fear and smear." We now know that they've reduced this strategy to a power-point instructural presentation.
I wonder if there is a corresponding Democratic power point presentation? There may be, but I see no evidence that the Democrats are exploiting fear or engaging in smear. Smear, by the way, is not pointing out the truth. I don't smear David Vitter or Eliot Spitzer when I point out they are hypcrites. I smear them when I lie about them or their beliefs, or suggest guilt by association, or something along those lines.
I could be wrong - I might be overlooking instances of Democrats exploiting fear or engaging in smear (by Democrats I mean elected officials and active political operatives - not obscure bloggers). If I am let me know.
It's funny. I'm involved in a case right now where all kinds of nefarious things have come to light about the opposition - while our client is as clean as a whistle. Its very satisfying to be on side of the angels.
Joe H.
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
10 years ago
I would say that it happens on both side. For every time I've heard "Obama is a Muslim", I've also seen the sticker that says "9/11 was an inside job". It's just the nature of man and no one is as clean as a whistle.
For a while, even during the election, I would read CNN and Fox News just to get the perspective from both sides. I totally believe the saying that "Total Power corrupts totally"- it's the hunger for power, not championing some cause, that's the true motivator for most if not all politicians (or political parties for that matter).
If you compared the membership of the two groups you've mentioned, the membership of the former would outnumber the latter 1000 to 1.
But I digress. I'm not talking about fringe people. Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol are not fringe Republicans. If you can find similar behavior among prominent Democrats, I'll denounce the.
Joe H.
I don't know why the last post said "Aloha Girl" and I don't know what this post is going to say, but its me, Joe.
Where is that damn kid who keeps playing with this new fangled computer?
Joe H.
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