I know I haven't posted much the last few weeks. I really haven't had anything to say. One thing I have been wondering about is corruption. When I saw that tape of Fergie selling access to Prince Andrew - as I almost simultaneously watched crude oil fill up the Gulf of Mexico and learn that this "accident" was a product of pure greed - I'm speechless. In the words of Elaine Benis, "I am without speech."
Oh well. By the way, I do hope you're following Glen Greenwald on President Obama's shameless hypocrisy. Obama's relentless cover up of Bush era criminality - our government is now sending the second whistleblower to prison who exposed severe government wrongdoing - not national security information. Obama's relentless pursuit of unchecked dictatorial power to seize individuals far away from any recognized "battlefield" and incarcerate them without any judicial oversight, forever - Obama can now do that only if he transports them to Afghanistan, the D.C. Court of Appeals recently ruled. It goes on and on.
You have to remember that Obama denounced these policies repeatedly, vociferously, and eloquently, when he was a candidate. I believed him.
I guess in my horror, I also feel like a complete fool.
That's all for now.
Joe H.
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
10 years ago